"Save XY Coordinates", as the name suggests, saves coordinates but no
pixel values, at least it does so for me.
If you use the point selection tool, you may use Analyze>Measure,
which reports point coordinates and pixel values. As far as I can see
it does so correctly.
>Dear All
>I am having issues with obtaining accurate measures pixel intensity
>with the "Save XY Coordinates" function. Specifically, the output
>(txt file) of this function never corresponds to actual pixel
>intensity values that I obtain when using the pointer tool for a
>give pixel. Usually the pixel intensity measured via the "Save XY
>Coordinate" output is a lot lower than the value listed by the
>pointer function. I have tried many different formats, but have
>never gotten a match between live values (i.e. with the pointer) and
>the XY coordinate measure.
>Any insights?
>Many thanks.
>Oliver Braubach
>Department of Physiology and Biophysics
>Dalhousie University
>Halifax, NS B3H 1X5 Canada
>Tel: 902.494.6471
>Fax: 902.494.1685
Somewhat clueless