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Saving ROI

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Saving ROI

59 posts

Is it possible to save an image (or copy of an image) with the ROI Manager
outlines PLUS object numbers? I know I can save the ROI list as a zip file
and open it at the same time as the image, but I'd rather just have it all
combined in one file, to make it easier to come back to later.

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Re: Saving ROI

Fabrice Senger
82 posts
Andrew Bell a écrit :

> Hi,
> Is it possible to save an image (or copy of an image) with the ROI Manager
> outlines PLUS object numbers? I know I can save the ROI list as a zip file
> and open it at the same time as the image, but I'd rather just have it all
> combined in one file, to make it easier to come back to later.
> Andrew
> You may try to generate an image. First you duplicate your image, next in the ROI-manager go to  "more" and use "Label" and "draw".

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scratch wound assay

Pascal Lorentz-2
10 posts
Dear all,

I was wondering, what is the best way the measure scratches in a wound
So far I just used the polygon selection to line out the cap between the
cells and took the area as a measurement.
Is there a better way to do it? Maybe a plugin or any other automated
Any help is appreciated.

Best regards


Pascal Lorentz
Department of Biomedicine
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 28
4058 Basel
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Re: scratch wound assay

Pullikuth, Ashok K.
1 post
I came across a software called TScratch for automated analysis of monolayer wound healing assays. The paper describing this was recently published in Biotechniques:

Geback et al., 2009. TScratch: a novel and simple software tool for automated analysis of monolayer wound healing assays. Biotechniques 46(4) 265-274.

The stand alone version is available from www.cse-lab.ethz.ch/software.html

Ashok Pullikuth PhD

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of Pascal Lorentz
Sent: Mon 9/21/2009 10:15 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: scratch wound assay
Dear all,

I was wondering, what is the best way the measure scratches in a wound
So far I just used the polygon selection to line out the cap between the
cells and took the area as a measurement.
Is there a better way to do it? Maybe a plugin or any other automated
Any help is appreciated.

Best regards


Pascal Lorentz
Department of Biomedicine
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 28
4058 Basel
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Re: scratch wound assay

William Joseph Ashby
8 posts
In reply to this post by Pascal Lorentz-2
I've got a couple options that work well.  Both of these methods basically
determine the number of pixels in the cell-free area.  For images with
varying background levels or colors, the first method is much better because
it has automated algorithms for determining appropriate threshold values.

1)  Tscratch which is a free, published, Matlab-based program for analysis.
The necessary Matlab components can be installed for free.
If that link doesn't work go to http://www.cse-lab.ethz.ch/software.html and
click on TScratch

2)  In ImageJ, I've made a macro to analyze batches of images.  The analysis
procedure is a modified version of the procedure I found at
I generally use this macro on stacks of time-lapse images taken of cells on
glass cover slips that have been sealed with a small volume of medium
inside.  Under these conditions the color of the medium doesn't change
resulting in uniform background levels/color for all the images.
Here is the code for the macro.  You'll probably need to edit it a little to
make it suit your purpose.

  dir1 = getDirectory("Choose Source Directory ");
  dir2 = getDirectory("Choose Destination Directory");
  list = getFileList(dir1);
 setBatchMode(true);    //use this to save time by not displaying images

 for (i=0; i<list.length; i++){
      showProgress(i+1, list.length);
    run("8-bit");   //my experience is that I get better results in 8-bit.
    run("Duplicate...", "title=copy duplicate");
run("Sharpen", "stack");  //this step really helps a lot for thin cells with
thin lamellopodia
run("Find Edges", "stack");
setThreshold(0,20);  //very important to get an appropriate threshold
run("Convert to Mask", " ");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size=12000-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00
show=Outlines summarize stack");
selectWindow("Summary of "+list[i]);
saveAs("Text", dir2+list[i]);
selectWindow("Drawing of "+list[i]);
run("Invert LUT");
run("RGB Color");
run("RGB Color");
imageCalculator("Add stack", "copy", "Drawing of "+list[i]);
run("Size...", "width=600 constrain interpolate");
saveAs("Tiff", dir2+"Drawing "+list[i]);

On 9/21/09 10:15 AM, "Pascal Lorentz" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I was wondering, what is the best way the measure scratches in a wound
> assay.
> So far I just used the polygon selection to line out the cap between the
> cells and took the area as a measurement.
> Is there a better way to do it? Maybe a plugin or any other automated
> procedure?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Best regards
> Pascal
> Pascal Lorentz
> Department of Biomedicine
> University of Basel
> Mattenstrasse 28
> 4058 Basel
> Switzerland
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Re: Saving ROI

93 posts
In reply to this post by AJBell
Andrew Bell wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to save an image (or copy of an image) with the ROI Manager
> outlines PLUS object numbers? I know I can save the ROI list as a zip file
> and open it at the same time as the image, but I'd rather just have it all
> combined in one file, to make it easier to come back to later.
> Andrew
Hi Andrew,

  I like to use Plugins>Utilities>Capture Image. Effectively, it's a
screen shot of the active window as it looks. As long as you have your
ROIs and labels showing, it should take care your needs. Be aware that
the resolution will be saved according to the size of the window on your



Damon Poburko, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Stanford University School of Medicine
Dept. of Molecular & Cellular Physiology
279 Campus Dr., Beckman B103, Stanford, CA 94305
Ph: 650 725 7564, fax: 650 725 8021
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Antwort: Saving ROI

Joachim Wesner
355 posts
In reply to this post by AJBell
ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> schrieb am 21.09.2009 11:39:55:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to save an image (or copy of an image) with the ROI
> outlines PLUS object numbers? I know I can save the ROI list as a zip
> and open it at the same time as the image, but I'd rather just have it
> combined in one file, to make it easier to come back to later.
> Andrew

Hmmm, actually this is a request for a feature I already had for a long
time. The problem as far as I can see is that ImageJ ROI can actually
be pretty complex objects, and I would rather not store it under the
regular official ImageJ tag, thas is more ASCII based, as I understand.

However, one could "lend" some tag from the private range 32768 and higher
and store a serialized version of the ROI...... with a plugin...
As I have recently worked again on TIFF tags, this is tempting.... But
don´t rely on a solution too soon!



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