Saving complete results from individual images via batch processing

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Saving complete results from individual images via batch processing

Hello Everyone,

I am pretty new with imageJ and am having some issues with what I think should be simple tasks. I am working on a program which analyzes droplet sizes (I'm working with microfluidics, won't go into much detail there) and distances between those droplets in individual images. I have written a macro program which affectively analyzes droplet size and gives centroid data. However, after batch processing (on average I must analyze ~2000 images at a time) the summary table only gives me the average droplet size for each image. There is also a results table which has individual droplet sizes in single images, but this only includes data from the most recent image analyzed. Does anyone know how to write a macro program which saves results from each individual image and consolidates this data into a single document?

Thank you