> Hello, I have a macro that I'm trying to use to save .roi
> files. Using the roiManager("select",index) command to
> select an entry, then using the roiManager(cmd,path) command
> to save the file, I must specify a path ending in .zip or I
> get an error ("Path must end with .zip"). Why doesn't this
> command let me output individual ROI's as .roi files?
> Alternatively, if I could select all of the ROI's at once,
> and then save them together in a .zip file, this would be
> ok. However, using the select command oddly deselects all
> other entries. Is there some other way to select entries
> that does not do this? Or some select all command? I am
> using ImageJ 1.35a. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If no ROI's are selected, the "Save" command saves all the ROI's as a
ZIP archive. In a macro, use:
roiManager("save", path)