I have made a small modification to ScaleBar.java to include an option for background and to handle the 'micron' units of Digital Micrograph. I have been using this as a plugin 'ScaleBar_Plus' and am attaching the modified code, hoping others may find it useful.
Divakar -- ScaleBar_Plus.java -- import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import java.awt.*; import ij.measure.*; import java.awt.event.*; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; /* * ScaleBar_Plus.java * * Modified version of ScaleBar.java on April 23, 2006, 12:57 AM * * This provides additional function of setting the background for the scale marker. * Defaults for font, color and scale marker position are also changed. */ public class ScaleBar_Plus implements PlugIn { static final String[] locations = {"Upper Right", "Lower Right", "Lower Left", "Upper Left", "At Selection"}; static final int UPPER_RIGHT=0, LOWER_RIGHT=1, LOWER_LEFT=2, UPPER_LEFT=3, AT_SELECTION=4; static final String[] colors = {"White","Black","Light Gray","Gray","Dark Gray","Red","Green","Blue","Yellow"}; static final String[] checkboxLabels = {"Bold Text", "Hide Text"}; static double barWidth; static int defaultBarHeight = 3; static int barHeightInPixels = defaultBarHeight; // Div., change default to lower right static String location = locations[LOWER_RIGHT]; // Div., change default for marker to black static String color = colors[1]; // Div., add variable to hold bkgnd color; set default to white bkgnd static String bcolor = colors[0]; static boolean boldText = true; static boolean hideText; static int fontSize; static boolean labelAll; ImagePlus imp; double imageWidth; double mag; int xloc, yloc; int barWidthInPixels; int roiX=-1, roiY, roiWidth, roiHeight; boolean[] checkboxStates = new boolean[2]; public void run(String arg) { imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp!=null) { if (showDialog(imp) && imp.getStackSize()>1 && labelAll) labelSlices(imp); } else IJ.noImage(); } void labelSlices(ImagePlus imp) { int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice(); for (int i=1; i<=imp.getStackSize(); i++) { imp.setSlice(i); drawScaleBar(imp); } imp.setSlice(slice); } boolean showDialog(ImagePlus imp) { Roi roi = imp.getRoi(); if (roi!=null) { Rectangle r = roi.getBounds(); roiX = r.x; roiY = r.y; roiWidth = r.width; roiHeight = r.height; location = locations[AT_SELECTION]; } else if (location.equals(locations[AT_SELECTION])) location = locations[UPPER_RIGHT]; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow(); mag = (win!=null)?win.getCanvas().getMagnification():1.0; if (mag>1.0) mag = 1.0; if (fontSize<(12/mag)) fontSize = (int)(12/mag); String units = cal.getUnits(); // Div., handle Digital Micrograph unit microns if (units.equals("micron")) units = "µm"; double pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth; if (pixelWidth==0.0) pixelWidth = 1.0; double scale = 1.0/pixelWidth; imageWidth = imp.getWidth()*pixelWidth; if (roiX>0 && roiWidth>10) barWidth = roiWidth*pixelWidth; else if (barWidth==0.0 || barWidth>0.67*imageWidth) { barWidth = (80.0*pixelWidth)/mag; if (barWidth>0.67*imageWidth) barWidth = 0.67*imageWidth; if (barWidth>5.0) barWidth = (int)barWidth; } int stackSize = imp.getStackSize(); int digits = (int)barWidth==barWidth?0:1; if (barWidth<1.0) digits = 2; int percent = (int)(barWidth*100.0/imageWidth); if (mag<1.0 && barHeightInPixels<defaultBarHeight/mag) barHeightInPixels = (int)(defaultBarHeight/mag); imp.getProcessor().snapshot(); if (!IJ.macroRunning()) updateScalebar(); GenericDialog gd = new BarDialog("ScaleBar Plus"); gd.addNumericField("Width in "+units+": ", barWidth, digits); gd.addNumericField("Height in pixels: ", barHeightInPixels, 0); gd.addNumericField("Font Size: ", fontSize, 0); gd.addChoice("Color: ", colors, color); // Div., add field for bkgnd color selection gd.addChoice("Background: ", colors, bcolor); gd.addChoice("Location: ", locations, location); checkboxStates[0] = boldText; checkboxStates[1] = hideText; gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 2, checkboxLabels, checkboxStates); if (stackSize>1) gd.addCheckbox("Label all Slices", labelAll); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { imp.getProcessor().reset(); imp.updateAndDraw(); return false; } barWidth = gd.getNextNumber(); barHeightInPixels = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); fontSize = (int)gd.getNextNumber(); color = gd.getNextChoice(); // Div., get bkgnd color from dialog bcolor = gd.getNextChoice(); location = gd.getNextChoice(); boldText = gd.getNextBoolean(); hideText = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (stackSize>1) labelAll = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (IJ.macroRunning()) updateScalebar(); return true; } void drawScaleBar(ImagePlus imp) { if (!updateLocation()) return; ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); Undo.setup(Undo.FILTER, imp); Color color = getColor(); // Div., set default bkgnd color Color bcolor = getBColor(); //if (!(color==Color.white || color==Color.black)) { // ip = ip.convertToRGB(); // imp.setProcessor(null, ip); //} // Div., draw bkgnd box first, based on bar width and height (and font size if hideText is not checked) ip.setColor(bcolor); if (!hideText) ip.setRoi((int)(xloc-barWidthInPixels/40), (int)(yloc-barHeightInPixels), (int)(barWidthInPixels*1.1), (int)(3*barHeightInPixels+fontSize)); else ip.setRoi((int)(xloc-imageWidth/40), (int)(yloc-barHeightInPixels), (int)(barWidthInPixels*1.1), (int)(3*barHeightInPixels)); ip.fill(); ip.resetRoi(); ip.setColor(color); int x = xloc; int y = yloc; ip.setRoi(x, y, barWidthInPixels, barHeightInPixels); ip.fill(); ip.resetRoi(); int fontType = boldText?Font.BOLD:Font.PLAIN; // Div., change default to Serif font from SanSerif ip.setFont(new Font("Serif", fontType, fontSize)); ip.setAntialiasedText(true); int digits = (int)barWidth==barWidth?0:1; //Div., reduce digits to 1 for barWidth<1 if (barWidth<1.0) digits = 1; // Div., handle Digital Micrograph unit microns String units = imp.getCalibration().getUnits(); if (units.equals("microns")) units = "µm"; // String label = IJ.d2s(barWidth, digits) + " "+ imp.getCalibration().getUnits(); // Div., change above line to work around microns String label = IJ.d2s(barWidth, digits) + " "+ units; x = x +(barWidthInPixels - ip.getStringWidth(label))/2; // Div., replaced fontSize/4 with fontSize/8 y = y + barHeightInPixels + fontSize + fontSize/8; if (!hideText) ip.drawString(label, x, y); imp.updateAndDraw(); } boolean updateLocation() { Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); barWidthInPixels = (int)(barWidth/cal.pixelWidth); int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); int fraction = 20; int x = width - width/fraction - barWidthInPixels; int y = 0; if (location.equals(locations[UPPER_RIGHT])) y = height/fraction; else if (location.equals(locations[LOWER_RIGHT])) y = height - height/fraction - barHeightInPixels - fontSize; else if (location.equals(locations[UPPER_LEFT])) { x = width/fraction; y = height/fraction; } else if (location.equals(locations[LOWER_LEFT])) { x = width/fraction; y = height - height/fraction - barHeightInPixels - fontSize; } else { if (roiX==-1) return false; x = roiX; y = roiY; } xloc = x; yloc = y; return true; } Color getColor() { // Div., changes default to black Color c = Color.black; if (color.equals(colors[0])) c = Color.white; else if (color.equals(colors[2])) c = Color.lightGray; else if (color.equals(colors[3])) c = Color.gray; else if (color.equals(colors[4])) c = Color.darkGray; else if (color.equals(colors[5])) c = Color.red; else if (color.equals(colors[6])) c = Color.green; else if (color.equals(colors[7])) c = Color.blue; else if (color.equals(colors[8])) c = Color.yellow; return c; } // Div., mimic getColor to write getBColor for bkgnd Color getBColor() { Color bc = Color.white; if (bcolor.equals(colors[1])) bc = Color.black; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[2])) bc = Color.lightGray; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[3])) bc = Color.gray; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[4])) bc = Color.darkGray; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[5])) bc = Color.red; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[6])) bc = Color.green; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[7])) bc = Color.blue; else if (bcolor.equals(colors[8])) bc = Color.yellow; return bc; } void updateScalebar() { updateLocation(); imp.getProcessor().reset(); drawScaleBar(imp); } class BarDialog extends GenericDialog { BarDialog(String title) { super(title); } public void textValueChanged(TextEvent e) { TextField widthField = ((TextField)numberField.elementAt(0)); Double d = getValue(widthField.getText()); if (d==null) return; barWidth = d.doubleValue(); TextField heightField = ((TextField)numberField.elementAt(1)); d = getValue(heightField.getText()); if (d==null) return; barHeightInPixels = (int)d.doubleValue(); TextField fontSizeField = ((TextField)numberField.elementAt(2)); d = getValue(fontSizeField.getText()); if (d==null) return; int size = (int)d.doubleValue(); if (size>5) fontSize = size; updateScalebar(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Choice col = (Choice)(choice.elementAt(0)); color = col.getSelectedItem(); // Div., added handler for bkgnd color choice menu Choice bcol = (Choice)(choice.elementAt(1)); bcolor = bcol.getSelectedItem(); Choice loc = (Choice)(choice.elementAt(2)); location = loc.getSelectedItem(); boldText = ((Checkbox)(checkbox.elementAt(0))).getState(); hideText = ((Checkbox)(checkbox.elementAt(1))).getState(); updateScalebar(); } } //BarDialog inner class } //ScaleBar_Plus class -- End ScaleBar_Plus.java -- Divakar Ramachandran Minneapolis, MN 55414, USA --------------------------------- Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! 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