Hi Sheng,
looks like a task for an edge-preserving blur filter, e.g.
run("Thresholded Blur", "radius=6 threshold=50 softness=0.50 strength=3");
(other parameters may be even better)
"Thresholded Blur" is available at
After thresholding, you have to clean it a bit (binary open, close) and break up bridges between grains (watershed?).
It won't suppress the weak 'ghost grains', however. Some filtering of the particles will be needed, e.g. by size and mean gray value.
On Nov 21, 2013, at 22:26, Sheng Dai wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering how I can extract grains through a low quality image (as
> attached).
> I was using threshold. But I cannot get rid of the background and the
> grains become vuggy.
> Any help is appreciated!
> Thank you
> SD
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