Selecting a specific color on RGB spectrum split

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Selecting a specific color on RGB spectrum split

Ryan Johnson-3
Hey all ImageJers,

I'm using ImageJ to split full-color photographs of cell stains and am
splitting them into RGB photographs (gives 3 B/W pictures based on the
intensity of the various colors).  However, I really want to be able to use
a specific color (red) and have a macro automatically select this window to
threshold it and analyze the particles.  When I attempt this, my macro
always just selects the topmost window (blue) and analyzes that.  Obviously,
I end up with erroneous results.  Does anyone know how to script a macro in
order for it to select a specific window?  Or will I have to do it manually?
 Thanks in advance for any help!

Ryan Johnson
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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Re: Selecting a specific color on RGB spectrum split

Andrew Kligerman

I had the same problem and solved it by going to Window and selecting
the one you want or closing the ones you don't want using the Window
pull down menu.

Andy KLigerman

             Ryan Johnson                                              
             <[hidden email]                                          
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             Sent by: ImageJ          [hidden email]              
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             <[hidden email]                                          
             .GOV>                                              Subject
                                      Selecting a specific color on RGB
                                      spectrum split                    
             10/03/2006 03:13                                          
              Please respond                                            
             ImageJ Interest                                            
             <[hidden email]                                          

Hey all ImageJers,

I'm using ImageJ to split full-color photographs of cell stains and am
splitting them into RGB photographs (gives 3 B/W pictures based on the
intensity of the various colors).  However, I really want to be able to
a specific color (red) and have a macro automatically select this window
threshold it and analyze the particles.  When I attempt this, my macro
always just selects the topmost window (blue) and analyzes that.
I end up with erroneous results.  Does anyone know how to script a macro
order for it to select a specific window?  Or will I have to do it
 Thanks in advance for any help!

Ryan Johnson
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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Re: Selecting a specific color on RGB spectrum split

Justin McGrath
In reply to this post by Ryan Johnson-3
I assume you're doing something like this in your macro
---run("RGB Stack");
---run("Convert Stack to Images");

After that, use
to select the window with the red channel.

This will work as long as you're working with only one image at a
time.  If you break several images into color channels, there will be
multiple windows named "Red" and you'll have a chance of selecting the
wrong one.  If that's the case, run this after you break up each image
---someWindowID = getImageID();
Store different IDs in different variables, and use this to pick the
one you want.

There's probabaly a better way to do it, but this way works for me.


On 10/3/06, Ryan Johnson <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hey all ImageJers,
> I'm using ImageJ to split full-color photographs of cell stains and am
> splitting them into RGB photographs (gives 3 B/W pictures based on the
> intensity of the various colors).  However, I really want to be able to use
> a specific color (red) and have a macro automatically select this window to
> threshold it and analyze the particles.  When I attempt this, my macro
> always just selects the topmost window (blue) and analyzes that.  Obviously,
> I end up with erroneous results.  Does anyone know how to script a macro in
> order for it to select a specific window?  Or will I have to do it manually?
>  Thanks in advance for any help!
> Ryan Johnson
> University of Colorado at Colorado Springs