On Wednesday 16 May 2007 11:23:45 Juan Francisco wrote:
> I´m trying to write a macro, when two differents images are opened on
> ImageJ. Pls, how its possible to select a specif image?. I know how to
> select a specifi image within a stack, but I don´t know the command to
> select a specfic image when there are two images opsned and not as stack.
> Thanks you very much!!
Have a look in the macro functions reference page at:
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/developer/macro/functions.htmlYou may want one of these:
Activates the image with the specified ID (a negative number). If id is
greater than zero, activates the idth image listed in the Window menu. With
ImageJ 1.33n and later, id can be an image title (a string).
Activates the image window with the title "name". Also activates non-image
windows in v1.30n or later.