creating mulit channel tiffs

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creating mulit channel tiffs

James Beals
I would like to create a multi channel file from individual gray scale images.
They are in situ auto radiograms, and I would like to create a tiff with 3,
or better 4 channels and 20 or so Z steps.
Any one know of a plug in of soft ware that will help me out with this?
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Re: creating mulit channel tiffs


On Tue, 15 May 2007, James Beals wrote:

> I would like to create a multi channel file from individual gray scale
> images. They are in situ auto radiograms, and I would like to create a
> tiff with 3, or better 4 channels and 20 or so Z steps.
> Any one know of a plug in of soft ware that will help me out with this?

As far as I know, there is no standard for multi channel TIFFs. However,
we work with a Leica confocal, which saves a special TIFF format. This
format can be read by the Leica_SP_Reader plugin.

I created a minimal plugin to write such TIFFs. However, I cannot
guarantee that _anything_ except for the Leica_SP_Reader plugin can read

If that is what you need, let me know.
