Simple HSB measurement

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Simple HSB measurement

Julie Colpitts
Hi there,
I am looking to measure the hue, saturation and brightness of manually selected areas on RGB images. I have been playing with images of known colour in order to verify that any output from ImageJ matches my expectations. After converting the image to an RBG stack, the 'mean gray value' of each slice corresponds to my expected red, green and blue values. However, when I follow the same procedure after converting to an HSB stack, the values do not correspond with my expected hue, saturation and brightness values.
What I am wondering is if there is an unusual scale that any or all of the hue, saturation and brightness values are measured on in ImageJ (or if the mean gray value of each of these stacks is actually a viable way to measure HSB), and if there is a simple, straightforward way to measure the mean of each of those values for a selected area on an image.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much,
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Re: Simple HSB measurement

Michael Schmid
Hi Julie,

ImageJ uses the Java convention for HSB.  As far as I remember, the 'Brightness' is simply the max of the RGB values, so it's a 'HSV' model according to the Wikipedia article.

All values are scaled 0...255 to fit 8-bit numbers, so the Hue is not 0...360 degrees as it is often defined.


On Jan 21, 2016, at 22:09, Julie Colpitts wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am looking to measure the hue, saturation and brightness of manually
> selected areas on RGB images. I have been playing with images of known
> colour in order to verify that any output from ImageJ matches my
> expectations. After converting the image to an RBG stack, the 'mean gray
> value' of each slice corresponds to my expected red, green and blue values.
> However, when I follow the same procedure after converting to an HSB stack,
> the values do not correspond with my expected hue, saturation and brightness
> values.
> What I am wondering is if there is an unusual scale that any or all of the
> hue, saturation and brightness values are measured on in ImageJ (or if the
> mean gray value of each of these stacks is actually a viable way to measure
> HSB), and if there is a simple, straightforward way to measure the mean of
> each of those values for a selected area on an image.
> Any insight is greatly appreciated.
> Thank you very much,
> JC

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