Hi Thorsten,
do you use a non modal dialog? I think any modal dialog will pause the
execution of a macro until OK/Cancel is pressed. The GenericDialog [1]
is an example for a modal dialog.
If it is necessary to use a non modal dialog, you should have a look at
WaitForUserDialog [2]. In line 60 `wait()` is used to pause the calling
thread. On line 66 `notify()` is used to wake it up. Without this
mechanism the macro is not paused.
I try to visualise the two threads that are involved:
\ /
Best regards
https://github.com/imagej/imagej1/blob/master/ij/gui/WaitForUserDialog.javaOn 21.01.2016 14:41, Thorsten Wagner wrote:
> Dear list,
> I'm using a java plugin which extends the interface "PlugIn".
> This plugins opens a simple swing ui were you can make some settings
> and then press OK and the settings are saved and the dialog is closed.
> Now I would like tp use the plugin in a following manner:
> ImageJ is started by console and runs the following macro:
> run("Settings Manager");
> run("Quit")
> However, the Settings Manager is started but then imagej is closed.
> But I want that the run("Quit") command is not applied until the user
> pressed "OK" in the settins manager.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Thorsten
> --
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