Startup Macro Difficulty

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Startup Macro Difficulty

I've succesfully written my macro code for some simple image processing, but I'm encountering a difficulty loading these macros automatically on start up.

Per this thread I've modified StartupMacros.fiji.ijm and successfully load 3/4 macros on startup.  The 4th shows up in the menu with the others but appears to do nothing upon execution.  I even tried editing the macro to crash on line 1 to verify execution, but absolutely nothing happens upon clicking the menu item.

Manually installing the macro works perfectly.

I'd appreciate any insight into this problem.

My StartupMacros.fiji.ijm file is attached for reference.

PS. Based on the previous post, I gather that it would be better practice to use StartupMacros.txt instead of StartupMacros.fiji.ijm Plugins->Macros->StartupMacros reports that this file (.txt version) does not exist.  If I create one based on StartupMacros.fiji.ijm or the StartupMacros.txt in vanilla ImageJ nothing changes for loading and StartupMacros claims the file is not a supported format.