Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ

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Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ


Since updating Fiji/ImageJ last week (I guess it's the 1.51u update) my
macros are failing when trying to assign a value into an array. I could
isolate the problem using this macro:

macro "test" {
nameArray = newArray("abcd.tif", "efgh.tif");
print("lenght of nameArray: "+ nameArray.length);
extArray = newArray(nameArray.length);
print("lenght of extArray: "+ extArray.length);

which prints:

lenght of nameArray: 2
lenght of extArray: 1

Why is extArray not the same length as nameArray? This is what is causing
the error when I subsequently try to assign a value to extArray[1]. I am
positive that newArray(otherArray.length) used to work as I am using it a
lot in my macros. What happens here?

Thank you for your help,


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Re: Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ

Dear Christophe,

I must say that this behaves as I would expect.

macro "test" {
nameArray = newArray("abcd.tif", "efgh.tif");
print("lenght of nameArray: "+ nameArray.length);
extArray = newArray(nameArray.length);
print("lenght of extArray: "+ extArray.length);


lenght of nameArray: 2
lenght of extArray: 1

As extArrray has only one value, being 2

But you are correct, an older version of Fiji gives,

lenght of nameArray: 2
lenght of extArray: 2

Also extArray[1] give as value 0

Best wishes


Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
Senior Experimental Officer
Advanced Imaging Facility
Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
University of Leicester

-----Original Message-----
From: Christophe Leterrier [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 19 February 2018 10:50
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ


Since updating Fiji/ImageJ last week (I guess it's the 1.51u update) my macros are failing when trying to assign a value into an array. I could isolate the problem using this macro:

macro "test" {
nameArray = newArray("abcd.tif", "efgh.tif"); print("lenght of nameArray: "+ nameArray.length); extArray = newArray(nameArray.length); print("lenght of extArray: "+ extArray.length); }

which prints:

lenght of nameArray: 2
lenght of extArray: 1

Why is extArray not the same length as nameArray? This is what is causing the error when I subsequently try to assign a value to extArray[1]. I am positive that newArray(otherArray.length) used to work as I am using it a lot in my macros. What happens here?

Thank you for your help,


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Re: Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ

Jerome Mutterer-3
Hi Christophe and Kees.

This was fixed in 1.51v1.
see :


2018-02-19 13:12 GMT+01:00 Straatman, Kees (Dr.) <[hidden email]>:

> Dear Christophe,
> I must say that this behaves as I would expect.
> macro "test" {
> nameArray = newArray("abcd.tif", "efgh.tif");
> print("lenght of nameArray: "+ nameArray.length);
> extArray = newArray(nameArray.length);
> print("lenght of extArray: "+ extArray.length);
> print(extArray[0])
> }
> Prints:
> lenght of nameArray: 2
> lenght of extArray: 1
> 2
> As extArrray has only one value, being 2
> But you are correct, an older version of Fiji gives,
> lenght of nameArray: 2
> lenght of extArray: 2
> 0
> Also extArray[1] give as value 0
> Best wishes
> Kees
> Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
> Senior Experimental Officer
> Advanced Imaging Facility
> Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
> University of Leicester
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christophe Leterrier [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: 19 February 2018 10:50
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Strange bug using array.length in latest ImageJ
> Hi,
> Since updating Fiji/ImageJ last week (I guess it's the 1.51u update) my
> macros are failing when trying to assign a value into an array. I could
> isolate the problem using this macro:
> macro "test" {
> nameArray = newArray("abcd.tif", "efgh.tif"); print("lenght of nameArray:
> "+ nameArray.length); extArray = newArray(nameArray.length); print("lenght
> of extArray: "+ extArray.length); }
> which prints:
> lenght of nameArray: 2
> lenght of extArray: 1
> Why is extArray not the same length as nameArray? This is what is causing
> the error when I subsequently try to assign a value to extArray[1]. I am
> positive that newArray(otherArray.length) used to work as I am using it a
> lot in my macros. What happens here?
> Thank you for your help,
> Christophe
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

Jerome Mutterer
CNRS - Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes
12, rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg Cedex

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