I am asking for suggestions as to a low cost camera to purchase for
use in capturing Z-series sets of fluorescence images. My Zeiss
Photomicroscope III is equipped with a TOFRA focus controller. The
focus controller is 'working' with MicroManager 1.3.49, loaded on a
netbook running under Windows 7. After capture the images will be
ported to a MacBook which I am already using with ImageJ for
deconvolution of wide field image sets. The color camera I now have is
not appropriate for my project.
My camera needs are fairly simple, because all I want to do is to
capture some Z-series of fluorescence images in a single
'channel' (either rhodamine or fluorescein). I won't be doing any
multi-channel or multiple time point work. I need to keep the cost
down as much as possible (retired - no funding source). Am
considering a usb ccd monochrome camera from The Imaging Source. Am
looking at their DMK31 series. I presume that the DMK31BU03 is my
'best' choice (it has triggering, but no I/O, whatever that is...).
Should I be considering the DMK31BU03.H (triggering and I/O)? Or does
anyone care to suggest an alternative camera - but still in this low
cost range?
[I have already posted a similar request to the MM listserv.]
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact me off-line.
Thanks in advance!
Mark Adelman