The command "roiManager (" add ")" seems to malfunction in a macro.

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The command "roiManager (" add ")" seems to malfunction in a macro.


I make my macros to IJ for manipulating ROIs.
However, unable to tell exactly from which version (probably 1.41), the color management of regions of interest does not work correctly.

Indeed, when I add my selections manually using the button "add [t]", the ROI can take two colors:
-1 - A color when selected (yellow)
-2 - A color when it is not selected (blue)
-> When the "show all" is activated you can distinguish the selected ROI (yellow) to the others (blue).

When I add my ROI through my macro with the command " roiManager (" Add "); ", the selections are all the same color (blue): It becomes impossible to differentiate the select ROI when the "show all" is enabled.

Is there a way to add a ROI through a macro and maintain these properties?
Can I redefine the properties of a selection each time it is added as ROI using a macro?
Is this a bug of adding selection in ImageJ?

Thank you for your help

Best regards

Inserm U1034 “Adaptation cardiovasculaire à l’ischémie”
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Re: The command "roiManager (" add ")" seems to malfunction in a macro.

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Oct 7, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Brice.B wrote:

> Hello,
> I make my macros to IJ for manipulating ROIs.
> However, unable to tell exactly from which version (probably 1.41), the
> color management of regions of interest does not work correctly.
> Indeed, when I add my selections manually using the button "add [t]", the
> ROI can take two colors:
> -1 - A color when selected (yellow)
> -2 - A color when it is not selected (blue)
> -> When the "show all" is activated you can distinguish the selected ROI
> (yellow) to the others (blue).
> When I add my ROI through my macro with the command " roiManager (" Add ");
> ", the selections are all the same color (blue): It becomes impossible to
> differentiate the select ROI when the "show all" is enabled.
> Is there a way to add a ROI through a macro and maintain these properties?
> Can I redefine the properties of a selection each time it is added as ROI
> using a macro?
> Is this a bug of adding selection in ImageJ?

This bug is fixed in ImageJ 1.44i.

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Re: The command "roiManager (" add ")" seems to malfunction in a macro.

Hi Wayne,

Thank you for your attention and to this great programme.

Inserm U1034 “Adaptation cardiovasculaire à l’ischémie”