Timelapse aqcuisition from a Twain camera

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Timelapse aqcuisition from a Twain camera

S. Pagakis (IIBEAA)

Do the twain acquisition plugins have timelapse functionality?

I mean capturing a movie to disk, either as fast as possible or with a
predefined time wait period between frames?

If not, is there a plugin that can do this?

Thank you

Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Biological Imaging Unit
Foundation for Biomedical Research, Academy of Athens
Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27 - Greece
M: +306946644955 W: +302106597481
FAX: +302106597545             [hidden email]
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Re: Timelapse aqcuisition from a Twain camera

Richard Cole
I have an older time-lapse macro that records images to hard disk at user
specified time intervals.  I was written for NIH and also controls a

If you want a copy or have other question about it, reply to me off the

Richard Cole
Research Scientist IV
Director: Advanced Light Microscopy Core Unit
Wadsworth Center
P.O. Box 509 Albany N.Y. 12201-0509
518-474-7048 Phone
518-457-7893 Fax
Email [hidden email]
Website www.wadsworth.org/cores/alm/index.htm

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of S.
Pagakis (IIBEAA)
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 10:21 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Timelapse aqcuisition from a Twain camera


Do the twain acquisition plugins have timelapse functionality?

I mean capturing a movie to disk, either as fast as possible or with a
predefined time wait period between frames?

If not, is there a plugin that can do this?

Thank you

Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Biological Imaging Unit
Foundation for Biomedical Research, Academy of Athens Soranou Efessiou 4,
Athens 115 27 - Greece
M: +306946644955 W: +302106597481
FAX: +302106597545             [hidden email]
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Re: Timelapse aqcuisition from a Twain camera

Christophe CHAMOT
In reply to this post by S. Pagakis (IIBEAA)
S. Pagakis (IIBEAA) a écrit :

> Hi
> Do the twain acquisition plugins have timelapse functionality?
> I mean capturing a movie to disk, either as fast as possible or with a
> predefined time wait period between frames?
> If not, is there a plugin that can do this?
> Thank you


Like Richard, I made a macro for a friend of mine. As said in the plugin
"Twain", I used a "run" function --To avoid the TWAIN select source
dialog, run from a macro using run("Twain 6", "default")-- like this.

dir=getDirectory("Images path");
Dialog.addNumber("Time beetween lapses", 1.0);
Dialog.addNumber("Number of lapses", 2);
run("Twain 6", "default");
//run("Lena (47K)");
run("Save", "save="+dir+name+".tif");

As far as I know, it works fine for her.

CHAMOT Christophe
Plate-Forme de Recherche IFR117
"Imageries des Processus Dynamiques
en Biologie Cellulaire et Biologie du Développement "
Institut Jacques Monod, CNRS, Universités Paris 6 et 7
2, place Jussieu - Tour 43
75251 Paris cedex 05
Tel: 01 44 27 57 84