TrackMate 3D viewer

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TrackMate 3D viewer



I recently discovered TrackMate and find it to be a great tracking program.  However, when I use “Copy overlay to…” to transfer the tracks to a 3-D image in 3D Viewer, the tracks do not appear. I would like to have a 3D image + Tracks + Spots as shown in the “Examples” on the TrackMate Fiji webpage. How can that be done?

Thank you !

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Re: TrackMate 3D viewer

Jean-Yves Tinevez
Hi Robin,

Most likely, this happens because the java3D library is not up to date.
Yo update it, just rely on Benjamin Schmidt and Johannes stuff:
Open a small 3D image (let's say the flybrain in the sample menu) and launch the Plugins > 3D viewer plugin. It should check that you have the right library and if not, install it.