TrackMate - Tracking process failed

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TrackMate - Tracking process failed

Rafael Buono

I am using TrackMate v2.5.1 and am encountering the same problem in two
different computers:
- I'm working with a time series of a field that is only 8µm x 6µm.
- Spots are detected well with DoG with radius 0.4 and threshold 50.0
- I am using the Simple LAP tracker and I am not interested in having
merging or splitting events.
- Unless I set "Linking max distance" to a number that I think is too big
(e.g. 7µm in this case) I get the following message:

"Tracking process failed:
At frame 69 to 70: [DefaultCostMatrixCreator] The row list is null or

The frame numbers change depending on the value I enter on "Linking max
distance", usually increasing as I increase the number entered. If I go
high enough the program runs and tracks are made, but not following
parameters I think would be reasonable.

I have uploaded the time series and the xml file from TrackMate as a .zip
file name using Help>Upload Sample Image in Fiji.

Is this a normal behavior of TrackMate if given unrealistically small
"Linking max distance" or "Gap-closing max distance" values?
Could it be a bug?

7µm for "Linking max distance"on an 8µm x 6µm image seems too high and I
believe is leading to linking of more than one track as a single one. Is
there a way to get TrackMate to accept smaller linking distances?

Thank you in advance

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