> The latest ImageJ 1.41h added the makePoint(x,y) macro function to add
> a point selection (note : this is reported as addPoint(x,y) in the
> changelog but it is an error, I think). I would like to add a point to
> an ensemble of points trough a macro, but the shift key modifier does
> not seem to work with makePoint. If you try this :
> newImage("test", "8-bit Black", 128, 128, 1);
> makePoint(10,10);
> setKeyDown("shift");
> makePoint(100,100);
> You only get a one-point ROI, not a two point-ROI. Would it be
> possible to get the possibility to add a point to an already existing
> multi-point ROI trough a macro ?
In the v1.41i daily build a macro can add a point to an existing point
selection using
makePoint(x, y);
V1.41i also adds the Edit>Selection>Straighten command for
straightening curved objects. Unlike the Straighten plugin, it works
with 16-bit and RGB images, and it can be used in macros.