Wishlist item

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Wishlist item

Gabriel Landini
I have a suggestion for the macro/plugin editor window.

It would be very useful it one could toggle a line number display function.

Sometimes macros give an "error in line... " and it would be very handy to be
able to go or see quickly the offending line.


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Re: Wishlist item

Michael Schmid
On 2 Feb 2007, at 10:07, Gabriel Landini wrote:

> I have a suggestion for the macro/plugin editor window.
> It would be very useful it one could toggle a line number display  
> function.
> Sometimes macros give an "error in line... " and it would be very  
> handy to be
> able to go or see quickly the offending line.

Maybe a "goto line..." dialog box would be easier to implement?

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Re: Wishlist item

Michael Doube-2
The Go to line dialogue box already exists : In a macro window, Edit-Go
to Line ... or [Ctrl]+[L].

What would be nice is a status-bar-style readout of the current line,
possibly with a search dialogue, a la the Firefox intra-page search bar.


Michael Schmid wrote:

> On 2 Feb 2007, at 10:07, Gabriel Landini wrote:
>> I have a suggestion for the macro/plugin editor window.
>> It would be very useful it one could toggle a line number display
>> function.
>> Sometimes macros give an "error in line... " and it would be very
>> handy to be
>> able to go or see quickly the offending line.
> Maybe a "goto line..." dialog box would be easier to implement?
> Michael

Michael Doube  BPhil BVSc MRCVS
PhD Student
Dental Institute
Queen Mary, University of London
New Rd
London  E1 1BB
United Kingdom

Phone +44 (0)20 7377 7000 ext 2681
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Re: Wishlist item

Gabriel Landini
On Sunday 18 February 2007 10:06:43 Michael Doube wrote:
> The Go to line dialogue box already exists : In a macro window, Edit-Go
> to Line ... or [Ctrl]+[L].

I see, thanks.
Even better, if there is an error in line X, perhaps an extra button in the
error dialog to take you there directly :

Error in line X...

[OK]  [Go to line X]

> What would be nice is a status-bar-style readout of the current line,
> possibly with a search dialogue, a la the Firefox intra-page search bar.

Yes, that sounds very useful too.


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Re: Wishlist item

Hi Gabriel,

On Fri, 2 Feb 2007, Gabriel Landini wrote:

> On Sunday 18 February 2007 10:06:43 Michael Doube wrote:
> > The Go to line dialogue box already exists : In a macro window, Edit-Go
> > to Line ... or [Ctrl]+[L].
> I see, thanks.
> Even better, if there is an error in line X, perhaps an extra button in the
> error dialog to take you there directly :

I am not sure if that's always possible: macros can come from

- a macro window,
- a file,
- the command line,
- java Strings, and
- possibly somewhere else, too.

So it might not always be possible to get at the source. Or even to
connect the macro with a macro window: You _can_ open the same macro
multiple times.

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Re: Wishlist item

Gabriel Landini
On Friday 02 February 2007 10:46:07 you wrote:
> I am not sure if that's always possible: macros can come from

I see, I hadn't thought of that.
So does that mean that the class that executes the macro does not know where
the macro is coming from?

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Re: Wishlist item

Tony Collins-4
In reply to this post by Gabriel Landini
> > Sometimes macros give an "error in line... " and it would be very
> > handy to be
> > able to go or see quickly the offending line.
> Maybe a "goto line..." dialog box would be easier to implement?
> Michael

I find the line numbers in the margin of Textpad really helpful when
tracking errors. Can this be added to the editor in ImageJ?

Textpad also uses coloured syntax along the same lines as the online
'browsable source code'. This helps spot the typos before the compiler.

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Re: Wishlist item

I usually use Notepad2 on Windows (free) or Smultron on Mac OSX (free
also) to get programming help such as numbered lines, syntax
highlighting etc...

Interfacing with ImageJ is usually done by a tool in the tooolbar that
calls the macro I'm working with. It's ver easy to refresh the tool and
take changes into account.

Christophe Leterrier

Tony Collins a écrit :

>>> Sometimes macros give an "error in line... " and it would be very
>>> handy to be
>>> able to go or see quickly the offending line.
>> Maybe a "goto line..." dialog box would be easier to implement?
>> Michael
> I find the line numbers in the margin of Textpad really helpful when
> tracking errors. Can this be added to the editor in ImageJ?
> Textpad also uses coloured syntax along the same lines as the online
> 'browsable source code'. This helps spot the typos before the compiler.
> Tony