Hi Kristen,
On Thu, 3 Jul 2014, Kristen Hammack wrote:
> I'm working on a plugin that needs to allow users to click on a lot of
> points (like 100-200) and then save the coordinates of the points out to
> a text file. Currently, all of that works, but I built it to let the
> ROI manager deal with the points, because I saw in the user manual
> (
> that alt-clicking on the points would allow the user to delete erroneous
> points. However, I've tried doing that with multiple different file
> types now and can't seem to get it to work.
Please note that Alt+Click is reserved for special functions on some
platforms. On Linux, for example, Alt+Click allows you to move the window.
You will have to use Ctrl+Alt+Click as a workaround in that case.
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