analyze gel - horizontal vs vertical alignment default?

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analyze gel - horizontal vs vertical alignment default?

Michael McIntyre-2
Hi, I'm having some problems with the "analyze -gel" function...

When selecting my first lane, the program automatically and incorrectly
assumes a horizontal alignment (I'm assuming based on the x and y
dimension). I've noticed if the dimensions are close, the program asks
you which alignment is correct.

Is there a way to always manually specify the alignment?


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Re: analyze gel - horizontal vs vertical alignment default?

Wayne Rasband
 > Hi, I'm having some problems with the "analyze -gel" function...

 > When selecting my first lane, the program automatically
 > and incorrectly assumes a horizontal alignment (I'm assuming
 > based on the x and y dimension). I've noticed if the dimensions
 > are close, the program asks you which alignment is correct.

Upgrade to a newer version of ImageJ. In ImageJ 1.34 and later, lanes  
are assumed to be vertical unless the selection is at least twice as  
wide as it is tall. Look for either

     "Lane 1 selected (vertical lanes)"


     "Lane 1 selected (horizontal lanes)"

to be displayed in the status bar when you press 1 to select the  
first lane.
