On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:31 PM, rustyconc wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for a way to measure locations and angles in an image.
> Ideally, I would be able to click and drag an arrow from one location to
> another to create an arrow or line selection. The measures I'm after would
> be start position and angle. Length would likely also be useful in the
> future, and end position could also work since a little trig could calculate
> the angle.
> Using the line select tool doesn't work for this, since the start and end
> locations are swapped in the results table, depending on their relative
> locations. What I need is the first clicked location to consistently show
> up in one column in the results window, and the second clicked location in
> another column. To help with alignment, it is critical for the line to be
> visible while selecting the second point (so just selecting two points won't
> work).
> I've done a few searches and haven't come up with anything that works well.
> Any suggestions?
You can do this with a simple macro. This macro, when your press "1", displays the starting coordinates and angle of a line or arrow selection.
macro "Measure Arrow [1]" {
if (selectionType!=5)
exit("Line or arrow selection required");
getLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lineWidth);
dx = x2-x1;
dy = y1-y2;
angle = (180.0/PI)*atan2(dy, dx);
n = nResults;
setResult("X", n, x1);
setResult("Y", n, y1);
setResult("Angle", n, angle);