You should have seen ROI's displayed on the image overlay, values
entered in your "Measurements" window, and a dialogue asking you for
the celestial coordinates of your two objects (from which the scale
and image rotation can be calculated).
If you don't see your measurements, you probably haven't set your
aperture parameters correctly (e.g. radii of the object and sky
apertures) or "Assume background is a plane" is selected (see "Set
Aperture") but you haven't installed the Jama matrix library needed
to fit the background around the stars.
Sorry - I should have warned potential down-loaders that the
"astrometry" plugin is just a crude test tool.
On 3 Apr 2007, at 5:18 pm, Beth Snoke Harris wrote:
> I am learning how to analyze astronomy images with ImageJ. I've
> downloaded the Astronomy plugins and can access them but can't
> figure out the Astrometry plugin. I select it and get a message to
> "Select 2 stars of known position to be measured". Then I click OK
> and a Measurements window opens. Next I click on 2 stars but
> nothing happens.
> Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong?
> Thank you!
> Beth
> Beth Snoke Harris
> Science Educator
> Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
> One PARI Drive
> Rosman, NC 28772
> 828.877.6348
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Dr. Frederic V. Hessman
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