automated font manipulation and textbox placement

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automated font manipulation and textbox placement


I am looking for help to do the following in a plug-in

Specify the font size and deselect smoothing
Select text tool and specify the location and size of the text box

as a bonus it wold be nice to automatically pass a character string to the text box and apply, but I am okay with the user having to enter it and hit Ctrl-D.

I tried turning the macro recorder on and performing those actions, but the recorder did not register anything but selecting the text tool and gave me the command



Joe vanderGracht

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Re: automated font manipulation and textbox placement

Christine Labno-2
Hello Joe,

I was able to record this using ImageJ 1.49j on Windows 7 using the Blobs sample image, but had to go to completion of the procedure before getting any code.  It does run as a macro.  You should be able to use it as a starting point, swapping out commands to get exactly what you want.  


text="charater string"  //sets up variable name to pass character string
setFont("SansSerif", 12, " antialiased");   //font, size and smoothing
drawString(text, 20, 50);  //if no variable, text to be printed goes in "", x position, y position



Christine Labno, Ph.D.
Asst. Technical Director
Light Microscopy Core
University of Chicago
Office of Shared Research Facilities
KCBD 1250 900 E. 57th St.
(773) 834-9040 (phone)

From: ImageJ Interest Group [[hidden email]] on behalf of Joe Vandergracht [[hidden email]]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:15 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: automated font manipulation and textbox placement


I am looking for help to do the following in a plug-in

Specify the font size and deselect smoothing
Select text tool and specify the location and size of the text box

as a bonus it wold be nice to automatically pass a character string to the text box and apply, but I am okay with the user having to enter it and hit Ctrl-D.

I tried turning the macro recorder on and performing those actions, but the recorder did not register anything but selecting the text tool and gave me the command



Joe vanderGracht

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Re: automated font manipulation and textbox placement

In reply to this post by jvander
Christine Labno responded to my original query with the helpful information that she was able to record a macro that did what I need:

Specify the font size and deselect smoothing
Select text tool and specify the location and size of the text box

I was able to duplicate what she did.  I used the macro recorder and was able to create a macro to do this.  I may just go with this solution, but I am trying to do it in a plug-in rather than a macro.  When I tell the macro recorder that I am making a plug-in, the  recorder only generates commands to set the text tool.  It does not set the font or start the drawing box.

Does anyone know the appropriate plug-in commands?  

as a bonus it wold be nice to automatically pass a character string to the text box and apply.


Joe vanderGracht


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