Hello all,
I've been working on a macro for ImageJ for automated neurite
measurement in neuron outgrowth assays. Our outgrowth assays are done
with neuronal cultures that are immunostained and imaged by
epifluorescence microscopy. For any interested non-biologists, we end
up with greyscale images of bright neurons on a black background and
we need to measure the lengths of the snake-like extensions from the
ball-shaped cell bodies of the neurons.
I'm not a programmer so for the most part I have been looking at the
code in other macros and recording commands to put a macro together
to automate the tracings. I have a working macro that essentially
processes the images to clean them up a bit then uses the skeletonize
command to obtain traces. It does a few more things along the way as
well like counting the neurons and measuring the traces to make a
results table with an entry for each processed image. I've compared
the results of my macro to those obtained by tracing with NeuronJ and
they are usually within 10%. This is good enough for our lab's high
throughput screening purposes as we are not interested in subtle
effects. The macro's main problems are that 1) thresholds are set
manually for each batch of images so there is fairly high potential
for variability 2) not all neurons are traced because fainter ones
are ignored and 3) dirty images with speckles, bubbles or junk give
false positive traces. These are not major problems for us because 1)
we are always comparing to control untreated cultures in the same
batch of images, 2) we don't expect any of our treatments to change
the proportion of faint neurites (this is always verified visually as
well) and 3) our images do not contain many speckles and if there is
a bubble in the way we can always take another photo of a different
region of the culture.
I have looked at several papers describing algorithms for neurite
tracing. These are all far more sophisticated methods than mine and
yield more accurate results. However, they are usually written for
use with Matlab or other platforms and so are not easily accessible
to the majority of biologists. NeuronJ is accessible however it
requires selecting beginning and end-points for each trace and is
therefore still very time-consuming. So, I'd like advice on whether
it would be worth writing a short technical article describing my
macro and which journals might be interested in publishing such an
article (Cytometry and maybe Journal of Neuroscience Methods are the
two main ones that I can think of).
Finally, I don't know Java and have looked up the ImageJ Plugin
writing tutorial but find it intimidating. Would it be better to
convert the macro to a plugin or is a macro just as good?
Thanks for any input,
Madeline Pool, PhD
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Montreal Neurological Institute, BT-105
Montreal, Quebec
TEL: 514-398-8436
FAX: 514-398-6547