On Wed, 2008-08-27 at 17:32 +0200, Johannes Breu wrote:
> I have a folder called IMAGES. Within this folder there are subfolders
> called FOLDER1, FOLDER2 etc. I wish to open IMAGES and the subfolders
> FOLDER1, FOLDER2 in batch mode so that all images are processed
> successively. I cannot find a code in under the macro location that works
> that way. In addition I wish to get the name of FOLDER1, FOLDER2 for further
> renaming results.
> So far I always opened each FOLDER1 by following code:
> dir1 = getDirectory("Choose SOURCE Directory ");
> list = getFileList(dir1);
> setBatchMode(true);
> for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
> showProgress(i+1, list.length);
> open(dir1+list[i]);
> t=getTitle();
> }
from :
dir = getDirectory("Choose a Directory ");
count = 1;
function listFiles(dir) {
list = getFileList(dir);
for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
if (endsWith(list[i], "/"))
print((count++) + ": " + dir + list[i]);
Of course, instead of just counting you can do whatever you want in the
else branch of the if conditional, effectively recursing over all files
in subdirectories of dir.