Hi Jay,
Try inverting the image (Image>Invert) then set a threshold (Image>Adjust>Threshold) then use the find maxima command (Process>Binary>Find Maxima).
The illumination is not very even - you may want to check that the microscope condenser is set up properly. This may mean you'll have trouble setting the threshold. You could try a background subtraction with a small radius - Image>Subtract Background: light background; radius 10 (which is usually too small).
If you've a true-color image of this you may also try to use the colour-segmentations plugins.
Hope this helps.
BTW, a few years ago the WCIF_ImageJ manual and collection migrated to MBF_ImageJ:
-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of jay chen
Sent: October-28-08 9:28 PM
[hidden email]
Subject: cell counting problem
Dear imagej experts:
I want to count cells from an image (
The procedures I have followed are WCIF online manual and Visual
Guide IV: Measuring cells with ImageJ
Unfortunately, some cells can not be seperated. Can anyone provide
some hints? Thanks for hlep.
Best Regards
Jay Chen