On Tuesday 06 Sep 2016 12:32:22 Boris Epstein wrote:
> I have a Fiji/ImageJ instance running on Linux (Ubuntu 16/64 bit). The
> version of the ImageJ appears to be 4.0.5, JRE 1.6.0_24 64 bit. I can dig
> up other data if necessary.
It can't be 4.0.5. IJ is 1.51 at most.
> The main graphical pane shows somewhat small on the screen; I have tried
> playing with the system fonts as well as other fonts in the Ubuntu settings
> and this seems to have had no effect at all. So I would think the settings
> for the fonts/symbol size in the toolbar, etc. are controlled within the
> Fiji/ImageJ somewhere. So my first question is, is this guess of mine
> correct? And if it is, then how do I control font size and other graphical
> parameters in Fiji/ImageJ?
Check this:
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