clear outside command

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clear outside command

Felix Kim

I use imagej quite often, but I'm not really a code writer. Anyway, I
just found out that when I use clear outside command on a 16 bit image,
it clears the outside area and makes the intensity to the highest value
in the histogram and not to 65535. It seems to change outside intensity
value to 255 for 8 bit image even when the highest intensity in image is
not 255 in the image. I would like to change the outside intensity value
to 65535 for better segmentation. I was wondering if anybody knows how
to fix this.


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Re: clear outside command

Gabriel Landini
On Friday 19 February 2010, you wrote:
> I use imagej quite often, but I'm not really a code writer. Anyway, I
> just found out that when I use clear outside command on a 16 bit image,
> it clears the outside area and makes the intensity to the highest value
> in the histogram and not to 65535.

If you read the documentation, you would not be asking this question.
