color spectrum analysis

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color spectrum analysis

Jared Fletcher
Hello there,

I am wondering if someone could direct me in the use of measuring
velocity using color Doppler technology.
Basically, I have several stacks of images that are color-coded based on
a color spectrum scale, basically where dark blue is negative velocity
and dark red is positive velocity.  This scale appears in the top corner
of each of my images.  Is there any way I can "color match" what appears
in my images to what appears on the spectrum scale to define the maximal
velocity of each of my images?

Thanks in advance.  Any help would be appreciated!


Jared Fletcher, BESS
B210 Human Performance Lab
Faculty of Kinesiology
University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. NW
Calgary, AB
tel: (403) 210-8932
cell: (403) 852-4142
email: [hidden email]
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Re: color spectrum analysis

Jonathan Hilmer
If you have full-value red and blue (and not 'darkened' colors with
additional black, white, or other color component such as green), you
can just convert the color image to a RGB stack and use any of a
number of plugins or built-in tools to check the intensities.  Things
will get more complicated if the red/blue LUT you have in the images
is not full-value.


On 10/27/06, Jared Fletcher <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello there,
> I am wondering if someone could direct me in the use of measuring
> velocity using color Doppler technology.
> Basically, I have several stacks of images that are color-coded based on
> a color spectrum scale, basically where dark blue is negative velocity
> and dark red is positive velocity.  This scale appears in the top corner
> of each of my images.  Is there any way I can "color match" what appears
> in my images to what appears on the spectrum scale to define the maximal
> velocity of each of my images?
> Thanks in advance.  Any help would be appreciated!
> Jared
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Jared Fletcher, BESS
> B210 Human Performance Lab
> Faculty of Kinesiology
> University of Calgary
> 2500 University Dr. NW
> Calgary, AB
> tel: (403) 210-8932
> cell: (403) 852-4142
> email: [hidden email]