If you have full-value red and blue (and not 'darkened' colors with
additional black, white, or other color component such as green), you
can just convert the color image to a RGB stack and use any of a
number of plugins or built-in tools to check the intensities. Things
will get more complicated if the red/blue LUT you have in the images
is not full-value.
On 10/27/06, Jared Fletcher <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am wondering if someone could direct me in the use of measuring
> velocity using color Doppler technology.
> Basically, I have several stacks of images that are color-coded based on
> a color spectrum scale, basically where dark blue is negative velocity
> and dark red is positive velocity. This scale appears in the top corner
> of each of my images. Is there any way I can "color match" what appears
> in my images to what appears on the spectrum scale to define the maximal
> velocity of each of my images?
> Thanks in advance. Any help would be appreciated!
> Jared
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Jared Fletcher, BESS
> B210 Human Performance Lab
> Faculty of Kinesiology
> University of Calgary
> 2500 University Dr. NW
> Calgary, AB
> tel: (403) 210-8932
> cell: (403) 852-4142
> email:
[hidden email]