dcraw help

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dcraw help

Chantel Davies
Dear all,

Would somebody kindly give advice on how to install dcraw as a plugin to
imagej to view RAW files from an Olympus C8080WZ?  I keep receiving an error
message: "IO Error executing system command:
'/Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw'.  What does this mean?

I am installing on Mac OS X 10.11.4, imagej v1.42h, with the
ij_draw_bin_1.2.0.r965.tar.gz files unpacked into an imagej plugins folder

I also tried the Mac OS executable dcraw v8.90 by Francis Montilla
(http://www.insflug.org/raw/), but that seems to run from a command-line in
a terminal and not really where I want to be.

Please help!

Chantel Davies
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Re: dcraw help


On Tue, 3 Feb 2009, Chantel Davies wrote:

> Would somebody kindly give advice on how to install dcraw as a plugin to
> imagej to view RAW files from an Olympus C8080WZ?  I keep receiving an
> error message: "IO Error executing system command:
> '/Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw'.  What does this mean?
> I am installing on Mac OS X 10.11.4, imagej v1.42h, with the
> ij_draw_bin_1.2.0.r965.tar.gz files unpacked into an imagej plugins folder
> /Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw.
> I also tried the Mac OS executable dcraw v8.90 by Francis Montilla
> (http://www.insflug.org/raw/), but that seems to run from a command-line in
> a terminal and not really where I want to be.

I have not used dcraw myself, but from the installation instructions at
http://ij-plugins.sourceforge.net/plugins/dcraw/ it appears that it
expects /Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/ to be the folder, and
/Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw to be the executable.

So you should move everything in /Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw/
to /Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/.

In the alternative, you could probably get away with using that command
line utility you seem to abhor, by setting the property
.dcrawExecutable.path in your IJ_Props.txt (which is in your home
directory) to the absolute path of the 'dcraw' binary, as explained on
said web page.

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Re: dcraw help

Joris FA Meys
In reply to this post by Chantel Davies
Dear Chantel,

It looks as if the plugin doesn't find the program dcraw itself, or you
don't have the right build installed. Make sure you have the right build for
Mac, which is the one from Francis Montilla.

Delete everything you installed before. Get the tar.gz file again, and
unpack at some temporary location in your computer. Look for the file
"ij_draw.jar" and copy only that one in the plugins folder.

Then install the DCRAW executable in the folder "/imageJ/plugins/dcraw". It
is very important to put it there, as the plugin will ONLY look in that
folder to find the executable. And it needs it, otherwise it can't do its

If you really want to put the executable somewhere else, you can do so, but
you'll have to change the IJ_Props.txt file of ImageJ itself to tell the
plugin where to find DCRAW. You can find (a little bit) more explenation
here : http://ij-plugins.sourceforge.net/plugins/dcraw/

Hope this helps.

Kind regards

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Chantel Davies <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Would somebody kindly give advice on how to install dcraw as a plugin to
> imagej to view RAW files from an Olympus C8080WZ?  I keep receiving an
> error
> message: "IO Error executing system command:
> '/Applications/Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw'.  What does this mean?
> I am installing on Mac OS X 10.11.4, imagej v1.42h, with the
> ij_draw_bin_1.2.0.r965.tar.gz files unpacked into an imagej plugins folder
> /Imagej/plugins/dcraw/dcraw.
> I also tried the Mac OS executable dcraw v8.90 by Francis Montilla
> (http://www.insflug.org/raw/), but that seems to run from a command-line
> in
> a terminal and not really where I want to be.
> Please help!
> Chantel Davies
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Re: dcraw help

Dear Community,

Can anyone provide the proper file locations for dcraw on Windows XP?  I've spent days of my life trying to figure this out.      

Thanks in advance,
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Re: dcraw help

Gary Sellani
> http://www.heliconsoft.com/dcraw.html

Is this a trick question? ;-)

To be honest, I've had trouble with DCRAW on windows, but I haven't
tried this version. In fact, I had trouble with the linux package and
had to compile the source code to get it to work.

On 7/18/2011 11:59 AM, ray wrote:

> Dear Community,
> Can anyone provide the proper file locations for dcraw on Windows XP?  I've
> spent days of my life trying to figure this out.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ray
> --
> View this message in context: http://imagej.588099.n2.nabble.com/dcraw-help-tp2262783p6595945.html
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: dcraw help

Thanks Gary for the reply.  I should have specified that I am wondering where the dcraw plugin files (for ImageJ) should be located (within the ImageJ folder) on Windows XP.  For example, on my Mac, they are as follows:

ij-dcraw_.jar is in:
and dcraw.app is in:

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RE: dcraw help


Thanks for the post - what I really  need to know is why the pictures don't work on other machines.  I can get DCraw to open pictures - they are just grossly distorted.  I have it working again on my machine.

Well I registered for the listserv and submitted a post and it keeps on getting rejected even though I am subscribed.

It is harder than fixing DCraw and there is no "list owner" that I can find to ask what is going on.

Maybe if I keep on getting reject I will send what I wrote to you to post.

From: ray [via ImageJ] [[hidden email]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 9:46 PM
To: Greenberg, Russell
Subject: Re: dcraw help

Thanks Gary for the reply.  I should have specified that I am wondering where the dcraw plugin files (for ImageJ) should be located (within the ImageJ folder) on Windows XP.  For example, on my Mac, they are as follows:

ij-dcraw_.jar is in:
and dcraw.app is in:


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Re: dcraw help

Jarek Sacha-2
In reply to this post by ray

First disclaimer: I do not use Mac so there may be specifics that I am
not aware of.
In general it should not matter where dcraw executable it. You can point
ij-dcraw plugin to its location modifying IJ_Props.txt (close ImageJ
before editing it). The details are here

If there are some specific related to Mac let me know I will update the
page above with that info.


On 7/19/2011 9:46 PM, ray wrote:

> Thanks Gary for the reply.  I should have specified that I am wondering where
> the dcraw plugin files (for ImageJ) should be located (within the ImageJ
> folder) on Windows XP.  For example, on my Mac, they are as follows:
> ij-dcraw_.jar is in:
> ImageJ/plugins
> and dcraw.app is in:
> ImageJ/plugins/dcraw
> Thanks,
> Ray
> --
> View this message in context: http://imagej.588099.n2.nabble.com/dcraw-help-tp2262783p6601041.html
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.