Hi Lars,
You can use the Image>Adjust>Canvas Size... command.
On 8 July 2014 16:45, Lars Damgaard <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to expand my images with a black rectangle so that I can print the
> overlay (a timestamp) there where it does not interfere with my image.
> The only solution I found so far is to create a new larger black image and
> then use imageCalculator("add...) to add the original image onto that.
> However, this solution does not give me any choice in the relative
> positions of the original and the black image, so the black area (that
> stays black because it has no corresponding pixels to add in the original
> image) is always positioned below the image.
> Is there not a way to expand an image in a user-defined direction? Or a
> way to 'stitch' one (black) picture onto one of the sides of another image?
> Thanks for any help, Lars
> --
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Jerome Mutterer
CNRS - Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes
12, rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg Cedex
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