Thanks, Wayne, for this explanation of how curve fitting can be done in a macro. I would like in
particular to be able to suppress some terms in polynomials, for example the linear term in a 2nd
degree polynomial, so that the result is a parabola plus constant term. I've started looking at the
source to see how I can do this.
Bill Christens-Barry
On Mon, 5 Jan 2009 16:50:42 -0500, Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>On Jan 5, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Bill Christens-Barry wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a plugin that would allow me to fit a parabola, or
>> more generally an arbitrary
>> nth-degree polynomial (up to whatever n is currently supported), to
>> (x, y) coordinate pairs? This
>> would amount to constraining the coefficients of some terms to equal 0.
>You can use the curve fitter built into ImageJ. Here is an example
>macro that fits a 3rd degree polynomial to 25 data points.
> n = 25;
> xpoints = newArray(n);
> ypoints = newArray(n);
> xmin = -2;
> xmax = 2;
> xinc = (xmax-xmin)/(n-1);
> x = xmin;
> for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
> xpoints[i] = x+random/6;
> ypoints[i] = x*x+random/6;
> x += xinc;
> }
> Fit.doFit("3rd Degree Polynomial", xpoints, ypoints)
> Fit.plot
>Look at the source for the plugin that implements the
>Analyze>Tools>Curve Fitting command for an example of how to do curve
>fitting in a plugin.