get all pixel intensties from a selection or get 90 percentile value from a selection

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get all pixel intensties from a selection or get 90 percentile value from a selection

Dear ImageJ colleagues,

Once I make a selection on a target image, how do I get all the pixel intensities from that selection? Or more specifically, to get the pixel intensity value of  90 percentile of all those pixels in a defined selection.

Is there any way to use ImageJ macro to accomplish that?



Zhengyu Pang, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Bioanalytics Laboratory
Life Sciences and Molecular Diagnostics Technology Organization
Diagnostics and Biomedical Technologies
GE Global Research, K1-5B37A
One Research Circle
Niskayuna, NY 12309
T: 518-387-4015
F: 518-387-7765

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