Hi Robert,
On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Robert Lockwood wrote:
> I collect 16 bit unsigned (monochrome) data from cameras and encapsulate
> the data in a ByteBuffer and then create BufferedImage. Currently I can
> only save the data as a "raw" file with no header and I'd like to save the
> data losslessly in a recognized file format such as TIFF (or later as
> GEO-TIFF). I want my data acquisition program to convert and save
> automatically. I'm using LINUX.
> It appears that the ImageJ code can be downloaded and used as a library.
> 1. Is it available as a Java library or must I download the source code
> and "compile" it to a jar file?
Every .jar file is a library first (which is really a .zip file with
certain conventions), and some of them are also executable .jar files (by
having a "Main-Class: xyz.ABC" line in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry).
So: no need to recompile.
> 2. Is it only available as a git project (I don't know git)? I'm
> using Eclipse Kepler.
You can easily use Git without knowing it. But you can also drop the
ij.jar somewhere and ask Eclipse to use it as a dependency.
Your next questions are most likely:
Q: How do I save my BufferedImage?
A: You first need to wrap it into an ImagePlus:
import ij.ImagePlus;
ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus("My image", bufferedImage);
and then you need to use the IJ convenience class to save it:
import ij.IJ;
IJ.saveAs(imp, "TIFF", "/my/output/path.tiff");
Q: Where can I find documentation about the available classes?
A: You can see the current ImageJ 1.x' JavaDocs here:
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