getBufferedImage in class ByteProcessor returns a BufferredImage of type = 0

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getBufferedImage in class ByteProcessor returns a BufferredImage of type = 0

Casqueiro Gilles
Dear all,

When I use the getBufferedImage from the ByteProcessor class, after having used setLut(lut), it returns an BufferredImage with imageType = 0, whereas without setting any LUT, the BufferredImage returned is of type 10.

The LUT seems to be correctly applied, I can see it when I display the corresponding ImagePlus.

I am not sure if this BufferedImage type “0” is correct, regarding to the documentation:



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Re: getBufferedImage in class ByteProcessor returns a BufferredImage of type = 0

John Hayes
Hi Gilles,

Can you say a little more about what you are trying to do?

It sounds like you want the LUT applied to the image you're manipulating but the BufferedImage will not likely be in color unless you have converted to an RGB ImagePlus that uses ColorProcessor. If you're simply wanting to programmatically save the LUT-applied ImagePlus there are better ways than accessing the BufferedImage directly because it's a quite low-level class in the context of ImageJ.

Also, imageType = 0 is BufferedImage.TYPE_CUSTOM and imageType = 10 is BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY, which makes sense in the context I believe.



Le 3 mars 2015 à 12:57, Casqueiro Gilles a écrit :

> Dear all,
> When I use the getBufferedImage from the ByteProcessor class, after having used setLut(lut), it returns an BufferredImage with imageType = 0, whereas without setting any LUT, the BufferredImage returned is of type 10.
> The LUT seems to be correctly applied, I can see it when I display the corresponding ImagePlus.
> I am not sure if this BufferedImage type “0” is correct, regarding to the documentation:
> Gilles
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