Hi Jose,
you can get the values of 'key = value' and 'key: value' lines in the ImageInfo with the getInfo('key') macro command (a space is needed before the "=" sign, but no space before the colon).
In your case, you probably want to use it as a number, not as a String (text), so you have to use parseFloat to convert it into a number:
parseFloat(getInfo("DimensionDescription|Length 1"));
On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:11, Jose Guzman wrote:
> Hi
> I would like programmatically obtain the length (in seconds) of an image obtained with an SP5 microscope (Leica Microsystems).
> Currently, I can see the length in Image->Properties as
> >>> DimensionDescription|Length 1 = 4.000000e+000
> I wondered whether there's something like getDimensions(); to obtain that value and use it in a macro.
> Thanks in advance
> Jose
> --
> Jose Guzman
> --
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