I have an application where I'm using a high speed camera and an endoscope to track the motion of small particles in a flow field.
I'm doing frame-to-frame tracking.
I've looked through all of the cell/particle tracking plugins I could find on the internet for ImageJ (Manual Tracking, MultiTracker, MTrack2, MTrackJ, ParticleTracker, SpotTracker), but none use information from the flow field, for example, using the range of possible velocities to guess the next location of a particle image.
Before I start writing my own plugin from scratch, I would like to know if anyone knows of cell/particle tracking code for ImageJ that assumes cell/particles are in a flow field?
Franklin Shaffer, Senior Engineer
USDOE National Energy Technology Laboratory
Office of Research & Development
Computational Science Division
Mail Stop 84-202
626 Cochrans Mill Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236
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Office: 412-386-5964
Cell: 412-833-3849