In the following line,
>> run("Results... ", "open=dirtxt+ listtxt[i]");//I try to open as a txt
the path you are feeding as a argument might contain spaces, so you need to
pass it surrounded by square braces. In addition, you are mixing strings and
variable names improperly. The command should look something like :
run("Results... ", "open=["+dirtxt+listtxt[i]+"]");
Later in your macro, you are using:
but pathfile has not been set before that, so it will fail as well.
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 10:49 AM, chenyanpei <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to read the ImagJ results files,
> the code is following:
> dirtxt=getDirectory("file name ");
> listtxt = getFileList( dirtxt );
> setBatchMode(true);
> nbr_txt = listtxt.length;
> for (i = 0; i < nbr_txt; i++)
> {
> showProgress(i+1, listtxt.length);
> run("Results... ", "open=dirtxt+ listtxt[i]");//I try to open as a txt
> file,
> but after i open it ,the
> // spacebar dispear;
> filestring=File.openAsString(pathfile);
> rows=split(filestring, "\n");
> x=newArray(rows.length);
> y=newArray(rows.length);
> for(i=1; i<rows.length; i++){
> columns=split(rows[i],"\t");
> x[i]=parseInt(columns[1]);
> y[i]=parseInt(columns[2]);
> print(x[i]+" "+y[i]+"\n");
> } }
> but there are some error"text.substring(7)". What is the problem? Thank
> you.
> --
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