how to run the same macro to a set of ROIs on 1 image ?

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how to run the same macro to a set of ROIs on 1 image ?


Hello everybody,
I have to analyze mean gray values (min and max too) for about 50 nuclei, on each image of my study (80 images).
I found a method to determine automatically ROI for each nucleus (by tresholding and analyzing particles with adding to Manager). But before analyzing mean gray values, the ROI has to be transformed to a band with the function Edit / Selection / Make band (automatized in a macro).
Could someone, please, give me a solution to run the macro on all ROIs of a set ? Actually, the ROIs in the Manager are not consider as selections...
Thanks in advance,
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Re: how to run the same macro to a set of ROIs on 1 image ?

Aryeh Weiss
On 28/01/2016 1:58 PM, Vero wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I have to analyze mean gray values (min and max too) for about 50 nuclei, on
> each image of my study (80 images).
> I found a method to determine automatically ROI for each nucleus (by
> tresholding and analyzing particles with adding to Manager). But before
> analyzing mean gray values, the ROI has to be transformed to a band with the
> function Edit / Selection / Make band (automatized in a macro).
> Could someone, please, give me a solution to run the macro on all ROIs of a
> set ? Actually, the ROIs in the Manager are not consider as selections...
> Thanks in advance,
> Vero

You can loop overall of the ROIs in the ROI manager

         roiCount = roiManager("count");
         for (i=0; i<roiCount; i++) {
             selectImage(edfTitle);  // I made sure the image I wanted
was selected
             roiManager("select", i);  // select teh ROI
             // do whatever you want with the ROI selected


If you intend to delete ROis, then I suggest you loop from the bottom
up. That is
for (i=roiCount; i>0; i--)

Hope this helps

Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

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Re: how to run the same macro to a set of ROIs on 1 image ?

In reply to this post by Vero
Dear Vero,

You have to do this for each ROI individually. The code below will do this.

for (i=0; i<roiManager("count");i++){
        roiManager("Select", i);
        run("Make Band...", "band=5");
        roiManager("Update"); //In case you want to have the band selection replacing the original selection, otherwise delete the line

Best wishes


Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
Senior Experimental Officer
Advanced Imaging Facility
Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
University of Leicester

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Vero
Sent: 28 January 2016 11:59
To: [hidden email]
Subject: how to run the same macro to a set of ROIs on 1 image ?

Hello everybody,
I have to analyze mean gray values (min and max too) for about 50 nuclei, on each image of my study (80 images).
I found a method to determine automatically ROI for each nucleus (by tresholding and analyzing particles with adding to Manager). But before analyzing mean gray values, the ROI has to be transformed to a band with the function Edit / Selection / Make band (automatized in a macro).
Could someone, please, give me a solution to run the macro on all ROIs of a set ? Actually, the ROIs in the Manager are not consider as selections...
Thanks in advance,

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