ImageJ does not have the ability to open more than one TIFF or DICOM
image from a ZIP file. What you can do, if the 20 images are all the
same size, is convert them to a stack, save the stack using File>Save
As>ZIP, then open the .zip file as a 20 image stack. There is an
example 83 image DICOM sequence at you can open as a stack using the File>Import>URL command or using
in a macro or"");
in a plugin or script.
On Apr 23, 2009, at 12:53 PM, Hanumanth wrote:
> I am having problem in loading image files from ImageJ as APPLET(web
> application).
> in the zip file having iam having around 20 images
> when i tried to open the zip file from File -> Import - >image
> sequence it is loading all the images in zip file
> But when i tried to open the same zip file as preloaded images all the
> images in the zip file are not loading only single image is loading
> randomly. This is the example URL which iam using
> is there a way to load all the images in the zip file as preloaded,
> Please help me.................
> Thanks in advance
> Hanumanth
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