Actually, I have an idea. If you absolutely do not want to create a plugin, you can make pseudo-permissions.
Create a .txt file called "permissions.txt" in the folder with the file with the data. Have 1 line in the .txt file with the letter "t" or "f". From the macro, read the first line of the text file. If the file says "t", then change it to "f", else do nothing. After changing it to "f", have your program edit the shared data file. Finally, change the permission.txt file back from "f" to "t".
The only problem is there is a 1 in a million chance that while your program is changing the permission.txt file from "t" to "f", another program will read the .txt file as "t" and try to do the same thing, but, really, this is as good as you are going to get from a macro program.
You can read about the details behind this concept here: