I have a similar problem:
I can compile my plugin to a .class, and copying that to a working IJ plugin folder. It does appear in the Plugins menu, but clicking on it, I get
"Plugin or class not found: "Testgetsquare_"
(java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mathworks/toolbox/javabuilder/MWException)"
I use Matlab R2007a, use the deploytool to create .jar s of my .m s and
http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=howto:plugins:how_to_set_up_netbeans_to_work_with_imagej_and_matlab_togetherto access that from the plugin.
Unfortunately, I am an extreme Java newbie, so I couldn't think of what to do with the link above.
so could anyone please tell me how to resolve this?
one more extremely basic thing: I compile my plugins from .java to .class. It seems to be more convenient to get .jar archives. I tried to modify the ant file for that, but that went wrong. Also zipping and renaming it to .jar was a feeble attempt.. Could anyone help me there, too?
Best H