java.awt.Graphics object for Roi.draw

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java.awt.Graphics object for Roi.draw

Frederick Ross
I am constructing an Roi from calculations on an image, but to display
it, I apparently need the java.awt.Graphics object corresponding to
that image.  Where can I find this creature in the hierarchy of
ImagePluses and ImageProcessors?

Frederick Ross
Graduate Fellow, (|Siggia> + |McKinney>)/sqrt(2) Lab
The Rockefeller University
Je ne suis pas Fred Cross!
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Re: java.awt.Graphics object for Roi.draw

Wayne Rasband
> I am constructing an Roi from calculations on an image, but to
> display it, I apparently need the java.awt.Graphics object
> corresponding to that image.  Where can I find this creature
> in the hierarchy of ImagePluses and ImageProcessors?

Use the ImagePlus.setRoi(roi) method to display an ROI.
