On Sunday 13 Feb 2011 16:06:42 you wrote:
> hi, I just installed opensuse, and I made a link to imageJ (java -jar
> /routeto/ij.jar) however it doesn't load the plugins I got installed.
> Anyone know how to solve this?
I installed the sun (well, oracle now) JDK system-wise (suse comes with
openjdk by default, so unistalled it and installed the sun one which should be
in the opensuse repositories).
Then I installed IJ as a user, and I point out the location of java in the run
file. Mine (a 64bit install) says (2 lines only but this editor cuts the 2nd
one in 2):
cd ~/ImageJ
/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0/bin/java -Xmx1800m -cp
ij.jar:jimi.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0/lib/tools.jar ij.ImageJ $*
If you do not use the jimi.jar, obviously do not include it in the line above.
For installing the 3D viewer, you need to run bene's plugin but as root, so
the java3d files get copied to the right place. That is in the console do a
"su", enter the root password, and run imagej and then bene's java3d install.
Then exit IJ, exit superuser and run IJ as normal.