means and histograms help!

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means and histograms help!

ingrid fuentes
Hi! i'm working on finding some relation between a receptor
on a tissue and a pathology. The fact is that my teacher
told me to work with image J , but she doesn't know how
to use it and she told me to "play" with the program.

The only thing that I can do , so far , is to select some areas
but then , when it comes to apply histograms to find a mean
of that area , according to the hole picture ( I guess I have to find
the numbers of pixels of my selected area and then I guess the software
compares that with the number of pixels of the entire image , resulting
on a mean wich must be different per histological picture )..
(I have to work with 200 diferents images of different people. but same

I really don't know how to reach what I'm trying to look for.
I'm really lost. If someone has done some work like this please
help me.

Plus , I speak spanish english is really basic and it's really
dificult for me to understand the manuals.
