Hi Fabrice,
You could retrieve the timing data using macro code like this:
// -- start macro code ---
run("Bio-Formats Macro Extensions")
// choose a file
id = File.openDialog("Choose a file");
// display the images in the file
// read timing metadata from the file
// 'startDate' is in the ISO 8601 format
for (i=0; i<imageCount; i++) {
// 'deltaT' is the time at which plane 'i' was acquired,
// in seconds since 'startDate'
Ext.getPlaneTimingDeltaT(deltaT, i);
// -- end macro code --
This code should work for any format support by Bio-Formats, including
Metamorph STK.
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 10:14:16AM +0200, fabrice senger wrote:
> Hi there,
> this issue has been discussed several times , but...
> I'm working on stk files...open them with LOCI...and everything works
> fine...next I would like to extract creationTime data for each point in the
> time serie in order to create a time slider...thus the info would be, e.g. :
> t= 10 sec and not t 2/100.
> Maybe this tool exist allready, maybe one will suggest to use the time
> stamper...
> Any suggestion is welcome, thank you,
> Fabrice.