On Sep 10, 2013, at 11:43 AM, Vanessa Punal wrote:
> Hi ImageJ Community,
> I have been using the multi-point tool in order to label the X and Y locations of ROI within a 2D image. However, I am now in need of also labeling the Z location of my ROI (I am analyzing confocal z-stacks). Does the multi-point tool have a function which stores what slice a particular selection is located within? If not, what else in ImageJ can I use to do this? Any help is appreciated!
Use the (single) point tool to mark x,y,z locations and add them to the ROI Manager by typing "t" (Edit>Selection>Add to Manager). Use the ROI Manager's "Measure" command to list the x,y,z locations. Disable "Assocate 'Show All' ROIs with slices" in More>>Options to display all the points instead of only the points on the current slice.
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