Hi Luciana,
We track animal movement in avi movies using the MATLAB package DLTdv3
from the Ty Hedrick lab:
http://www.unc.edu/~thedrick/software1.htmlIt's OK but the interface and output format are a bit crusty (and you
need non-free MATLAB of course).
If you find that one of the ImageJ tracker plugins is good for
kinematics as well as bright particle tracking, please let us know!
Luciana Sabia wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have just downloaded imagej and I need some support.
> I wish to use imagej to reconstruct the trajectory of an animal whose motion I have stored in a Avi format.
> Is there any plug-in by which I can extract single frames and automatically store the x y positions of a reference point such as the head?
> Thanks in advance